Saturday 23 November 2013

Pitch 'n' Match #2 - Think Project, Think People @ Self-Discover How To Heal Our Life

Pitch 'n' Match in series #2, on Thursday November 21, 2013 at Boathouse TTDI.
"Think Project, Think People". Rosemieen-Femide (me) from Self-Discover How To Heal Our Life? was the host for this event.
We came up with this idea as many from the first session messaged and wrote in for follow-ups and and more in-depth discussion. So we talked projects this time around!

Posing Fun time!
Among projects that were pitched on this day were home-room-space rent out by two candidates, enquiring on job vacancies, academic/teaching projects to rural area and reaching youths to provide them with a renewed style of learning, modules-writing offered, marketing projects, event organising search and turning ideas into innovation. Discussions and sharings were talked out, brain-stormed to come out with better ideas, to improve, to suggest as well as to connect one another's speciality. How to make use of it and to practical it.

Pitches were done by all 9 of us that attended. The winners were Wadud and Josie. Wadud briefed us on how he came about his plan on making the world a better place, turning ideas into innovation and getting idea generators paid. While Josie detailed out on how to reach the rural communities with a new enhanced learning method and style, bridging the gaps of the current academic system of the government and skills for youths to be successful in the real world.


It was another day of fun pitching & matching!
Ricky found himself 2 potential event organisers, Josie & Joyce found herself loads of new ideas how to carry out their new learning scheme as well assistance being offered in creating the program, Eric was connected to Wadud & me who were interested in his scheme of soho-home project of renting out space to travellers and getting paid, Jimmy went into a detailed discussion on his home-day rent in Penang project with Joyce & Josie. Hankit...he joined  in the tips of marketing & picture snapping.. Chee Yoong, left a bit early, but others were enthusiastic in contacting him further post-event.

It was a day of fine dining, double-shots expresso, pastas, salmon appetizing foods as well ;)
Good food and discussions it was indeed!

Pitch 'n' Match #1 - Matching Friends, Touching Lives

We had so much fun in this session Pitch 'n' Match series #1. Rosemieen-Femide (me) from Self-Discover How To Heal Our Life? was the host for this event.
Groupie photo
We decided to rename Social Pitching into Pitch 'n' Match, thus the birth of this event series :)

How did Pitch 'n' Match come about to be alive?
It was one of the participants during Social Pitching that asked randomly, why not do matchmaking series instead. The organiser & me (Rosemieen) looked at each other & smiled.. "Why not?" "But instead lets just generally call it Pitch 'n' Match. So we ll see what happens for this event instead, what is matched spontaneously; business or relations".
So we started our first ever session of it on Thursday, November 7, 2013 from 8pm to 10pm, subtitled 
Matching Friends, Touching Lives.

On the event day, most came earlier than the allotted time. We did a bit of Ice-breaking using M&Ms chocs.. and proceeded to pitching & voting. Everyone was looking for matching up to somethings; clients, partners, collaborators.. and there just happened to be at least one for each of us! Joyce & Hankit got connected to me. Hankit ordered a Numerology reading from me, and I in return requested his marketing advice. Joyce and Hankit networked to work on marketing strategy for her tuition centre.
Intently listening
Smiles n puzzles ;)

The winners for the pitch were Jimmy Cheong & Murphy Lum. Murphy talked about how he was inspired to start his contribution in uplifting society and assisting to make the world a better place. He had started projects for youths, inspiring them to do social based projects in rural and less-than-fortunate neighbouring countries, out-sourcing for grants and monetary.
Jimmy Cheong, on the other hand shared about his life story and how he is looking for mentors and motivations in his life to become an energised enthusiastic and better person.

Everyone had discussions and contributed to giving more insights and inspiration to the other. We had such a splendid time, that we were still talking away and chatting, even through after the event, not even noticing the time and the restaurant closing time! The Manager had to come over and politely remind us of them closing up the restaurant.
The words that come into my mind for this session is Fun & network!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Social Pitching

Social Pitching, a different style of pitching Rosemieen-Femide decided to introduce on October 10, 2013.

It moves away from the normal business style pitching, with a focus on sharing instead our deepest dreams, desire, calling, ambition, devotion, passion, hobby, interest, joy, excitement, concern, past stories, life lessons to anyone willing to lend a listening ear.

Pretending to “die before dying”

In this session, all six of us that attended shared our stories in life. The winner of the pitch, and our favourite share, Ong Beng Chung shared “It is never too late to ask yourself, “Am I ready to change the life I am living? Am I ready to change within?” Even if a single day in your life is the same as the day before, it surely is a pity. At every moment and with each new breath, one should be renewed and renewed again. There is only one way to be born into a new life: to die before death” (Shams-i-Tabriz, “40 Rules of Love”).

The second winner Ricky Soo shared on lessons he learned on organising meetups. These insights can be summarized in the acroynym IPMAN – Good (I)dea, Leverage on (P)eople, Right (M)otive, and (A)ction (N)ow.

I was the host where I also gave a 30-minute briefing on the Self-Discovery Game Play and perform its closing and follow-up of the previous session's participants.

"Rosemieen is a trained intuitive counsellor and therapist based on various modalities. She is passionate on moderating and promoting self-healing and awareness."

Comments written by the participants of this event:
  1. Kasumi:
    Big thanks to Rosemieen Femide for giving me an opportunity to share my feeling of my mother's medical condition - Alzheimer Disease in this meet-up. With my true experience, I hope most of you be alert of you loved one if he/she has any signs/symtopms of this disease. I'm sharing a video regarding the facts and figures of the Alzheimer Disease in USA. It will be happening in Malaysia, in fact, it is happening..
    Again, thank you Ong to share the statement "to die before death". With this statement, I become confident and "walk" towards to my future.
  2. Ong:
    Thank you friends for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and insights tonight! My gratitude to Rosemieen Femide and Ngoh, Kasumi and Tracy. As for me, I shared "die before Death"! Sounds morbid but actually, this phrase lightens me & also most of our friends tonight!
    As requested by Ricky, here's the full text:
    38. It is never too late to ask yourself, “Am I ready to change the life I am living? Am I ready to change within?” Even if a single day in your life is the same as the day before, it surely is a pity. At every moment and with each new breath, one should be renewed and renewed again. There is only one way to be born into a new life: to die before death. (Shams-i-Tabriz, "40 Rules of Love").