Saturday 23 November 2013

Pitch 'n' Match #1 - Matching Friends, Touching Lives

We had so much fun in this session Pitch 'n' Match series #1. Rosemieen-Femide (me) from Self-Discover How To Heal Our Life? was the host for this event.
Groupie photo
We decided to rename Social Pitching into Pitch 'n' Match, thus the birth of this event series :)

How did Pitch 'n' Match come about to be alive?
It was one of the participants during Social Pitching that asked randomly, why not do matchmaking series instead. The organiser & me (Rosemieen) looked at each other & smiled.. "Why not?" "But instead lets just generally call it Pitch 'n' Match. So we ll see what happens for this event instead, what is matched spontaneously; business or relations".
So we started our first ever session of it on Thursday, November 7, 2013 from 8pm to 10pm, subtitled 
Matching Friends, Touching Lives.

On the event day, most came earlier than the allotted time. We did a bit of Ice-breaking using M&Ms chocs.. and proceeded to pitching & voting. Everyone was looking for matching up to somethings; clients, partners, collaborators.. and there just happened to be at least one for each of us! Joyce & Hankit got connected to me. Hankit ordered a Numerology reading from me, and I in return requested his marketing advice. Joyce and Hankit networked to work on marketing strategy for her tuition centre.
Intently listening
Smiles n puzzles ;)

The winners for the pitch were Jimmy Cheong & Murphy Lum. Murphy talked about how he was inspired to start his contribution in uplifting society and assisting to make the world a better place. He had started projects for youths, inspiring them to do social based projects in rural and less-than-fortunate neighbouring countries, out-sourcing for grants and monetary.
Jimmy Cheong, on the other hand shared about his life story and how he is looking for mentors and motivations in his life to become an energised enthusiastic and better person.

Everyone had discussions and contributed to giving more insights and inspiration to the other. We had such a splendid time, that we were still talking away and chatting, even through after the event, not even noticing the time and the restaurant closing time! The Manager had to come over and politely remind us of them closing up the restaurant.
The words that come into my mind for this session is Fun & network!

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